Monday, April 28, 2008


Okay - I could do this to a fault. Sometimes I am so good at organization that my cluttered-self can't find my organized stuff. Ever done that? When you find what you have been looking for you are amazed how smart you were to put IT just couldnt find IT for HOURS.

I found some duplicated files on the Z drive. Since I am new in my reference position I haven't created a lot of files to clutter the drives. I didnt realize that the S drive is purged systematically.

Very worthwhile module

#28 GTD

Get Things Done - TIME MGMT
•Presents three major models for gaining control and perspective - I related to the model that utilized the airplane analogy - 6 different levels of focus - Runway level is the current action items (to-do list) and the levels proceed to the 50,000 ft level which is the life goals.

I am a traditionalist.....pen and list...mapping my day....but I do not see the bigger picture and this method appeals to me for that reason.